After logging in to the Competition Management site and selecting the Client and Organization you wish to manage, you will be directed to the Dashboard Tab on the Organization homepage. This is where you can access the Seasons that have been created for your organization as well as quick links to other competition management tools. To learn more about managing seasons, please read Manage Seasons - Seasons.
On the Dashboard Tab, you can filter Active Seasons and Inactive Seasons with the status dropdown. Then you can find your Season using the Search field or the scroll bar.
Each season has a set of links that will allow you to manage the Fixtures, Details, Teams, and Standings for the Season you select. To read more about these links, you can check out the following articles.
At the top of the Dashboard tab, you will find quick links to add Teams, Persons, Venues, and Clubs for your Organization. To read more about these features, you can check out the following articles: