
The ability to share custom edits is a powerful tool. You can share a custom edit with your coaching staff within the Synergy Editor, or share an edit with a player to view with the in-browser video player, allowing for quick and easy review of your footage breakdown.


Sharing a Custom Edit with Team Members In the Editor

Sharing your custom edit in Editor allows you to send a copy to any member of your organization who has access to the Synergy Editor. This simple process will send a copy of your custom edit directly to the desired users device, automatically populating under their Custom Edits tab.


You can either right-click on the title of the custom edit in your list, or, with the custom edit open, click the carrot icon on the edit tab at the bottom of the panel. Select Share, then in Editor.


This will bring up a window with a list of all of your team members with Editor permission. You can use the search bar at the top of the list for easy location, or scroll through the list alphabetically. Simply click the + icon next to the desired recipients name, and click OK. You can select as many recipients as you desire. Once you have clicked OK, the recipients will have a copy of your custom edit appear at the top of their list of Custom Edits in the Editor.



Sharing a Custom Edit with Players

If the players you would like to share your custom edit with do not have Editor permissions, you can still share your edit with them by creating a URL.

You can either right-click on the title of the custom edit in your list, or, with the custom edit open, click the carrot icon on the edit tab at the bottom of the panel. Select Share, then Create URL.


This will generate a unique URL that can be copied and shared via email. The recipient(s) then only need to copy and paste the link into their browser, where they will be prompted to sign into Synergy, and the custom edit will play in the Synergy In Browser Player.