Synergy Editor Release Notes

Modified on Fri, 5 Jul at 5:15 PM

Release Date: May 16, 2024
Editor/Editor Max Releases: PC | Mac

In this release...


Synergy Camera imports


Connect directly to your Synergy Camera from within the Editor. Select a listing and a button will be available to ask Synergy to process your practice footage in the cloud and bypass download, uploading, and importing that you used to do yourself.




Easily toggle back and forth to continuously play clips, or to pause at the end of each.



User Tags Only Timeline view

Select User Tags Only view to hide Synergy tags so you can add clips to a clean Timeline. Synergy clips will still be available for reference from other views.



Two-touch clip creation

Use the bracket keys to quickly add new clips to your Timeline, even if you don't have a template open. You can add tags later.




Click the Take Snapshot button, or right-click on the Video Player screen to grab a still to either save to your device, or paste in your slide or presentation.



Image Slides

Select, drag, or paste images to curate before adding them into your edit.


Known issues


Text Overlay posts to the wrong clip frames

Text Overlay displays 1-2 clip frames later than the frame when you set it. This is easiest to spot when you choose "Auto-pause video" from the Timing options:



Time removed from the end of long captures

When a long capture, such as for a full-length practice, is terminated, up to 30 seconds of footage at the end of the file is not processed. Captures should be run an extra 30 seconds to be safe.


Cannot directly update old PC builds from desktop

Due to a bug in the installer, an error appears on PC upon trying to update from a desktop shortcut of an older build, not opened in several months. The message says something along the lines of "Unable to start the application. Contact the application vendor for assistance."


From here, the user may uninstall+reinstall, using Add or Remove Programs. 



Or users can create a shortcut from the actual app inside its folder by following the steps below:

1. typing %appdata% into the search bar


2. clicking back on appdata to get out of the Roaming folder, then navigating to Apps → 2.0 → two sets of number/letter combinations:



3. Finding the most recent folder entitled ""


4. Finding the Application inside:



5. Right-clicking to create a new shortcut










Release Date: March 6, 2024
Editor/Editor Max Releases: PC | Mac

In this release...


Invisible Tagging Template

Undock the tagging template and make the background transparent to tag directly on top of full-screen video.



Softball clip precaching improved

Many softball games could not cache in advance. Clips displayed initially with a red underline to indicate they were not cacheable, and then ultimately would playback from online and cache permanently as they played.


Right-click clip editing

Right click on a Custom Edit clip to adjust Title, Notes, or Text Overlay:



Improved playback when trimming

Improved the playback logic when trimming clips and playing back trimmed clips.


Comprehensive Synergy Timeline rows

Calculations to create top rows within Synergy Timelines have changed so that team rows contain all clips, and Offense and Defense rows contain all of a team's Offense or Defense clips.


Enhanced right-click Tagging menu

Right-click tagging is organized by category for a more logical workflow.



Optional translucent playback controls

Select "Auto Hide Playback Buttons" from the View menu to gain more screen space with minimal interference from playback controls.



Expanded writing availability in Text Overlay

Hebrew, Korean, and Chinese characters may now be used in Text Overlay.

Known issues


Text Overlay posts to the wrong clip frame

Text Overlay displays 1-2 clip frames later than the frame when you set it. This is easiest to spot when you choose "Auto-pause video" from the Timing options:



Time removed from the end of long captures

When a long capture, such as for a full-length practice, is terminated, up to 30 seconds of footage at the end of the file is not processed. Captures should be run an extra 30 seconds to be safe.


Cannot directly update old PC builds from desktop

Due to a bug in the installer, an error appears on PC upon trying to update from a desktop shortcut of an older build, not opened in several months. The message says "Unable to start the application. Contact the application vendor for assistance."


From here, the user may uninstall+reinstall, using Add or Remove Programs:


...or create a shortcut from the actual app inside its folder by following the instructions below:

1. type %appdata% into the search bar

2. click back on appdata to get out of the Roaming folder, then navigating to Apps → 2.0 → two sets of number/letter combinations:

3. Find the most recent folder entitled ""

4. Find the Application inside:


5. Right-click to create a new shortcut










Release Date: February 20, 2024
Max Editor Releases: PC | Mac


In this release...

Improved clip replay Rewind restored across clips

Restored the ability to replay a clip after playing a clip from a different edit.


Rewinding restored across clips

Rewinding automatically continues across clips when Playback is set to Clip-to-Clip mode.


Expanded Trimming

Clip-trimming capabilities are available for older (pre-2018) basketball clips.


Undo/Redo tagging display issue fixed

Timeline user tags added using undo/redo were not displaying properly in Timeline. This has been fixed.


Improved clip replay Rewind restored across clips

Restored the ability to replay a clip after playing a clip from a different edit.


Improved Offline Sync

Several users had trouble syncing edits online after they had been created offline. A patch has been applied to prevent this in the future. 


Synergy Game Playlist view order fixed

A fix has been applied to ensure that Playlist view displays clips in chronological order for Synergy Timelines.


JuCo clips playable on Timelines

JuCo clips can now be played on a Synergy Timeline even when no play-by-play data for the game is available.

Known issues


Text Overlay posts to the wrong clip frame

Text Overlay displays 1-2 clip frames later than the frame when you set it. This is easiest to spot when you choose "Auto-pause video" from the Timing options:


Export and Tagging Template unavailable when including some characters

Some characters, such as Unicode, Hebrew, and Hanzi, are not permitted to be included in Edit titles when attempting to export. When inserted into a Tagging Template button name, they can render the template unusable.


Time removed from the end of long captures

When a long capture, such as for a full-length practice, is terminated, up to 30 seconds of footage at the end of the file is not processed. Captures should be run an extra 30 seconds to be safe.


Cannot directly update old PC builds from desktop

Due to a bug in the installer, an error appears on PC upon trying to update from a desktop shortcut of an older build, not opened in several months. The message says something along the lines of "Unable to start the application. Contact the application vendor for assistance."



From here, the user may uninstall+reinstall. Or users can create a shortcut from the actual app inside its folder, by following the instructions below: 

  1. Type %appdata% into the search bar.
  2. Click back on appdata to get out of the Roaming folder, then navigate to Apps → 2.0 → two sets of number/letter combinations.
3. Find the most recent folder entitled ""4. Find the Application inside.Ed5.png5. Right-click to create a new shortcut.








Release Date: December 11, 2023
Max Editor Releases: PC | Mac


In this release...

Composite Matrix view

Right-click when more than one edit is selected to retrieve a temporary edit with a composite Matrix view. This edit may be saved permanently as a Custom Edit.



Restored ability to rewind across clips

In clip-to-clip playback, rewinding stops when the start of a clip is cued. Then, press the rewind button or hotkey an extra time to go back through the previous clip, in case you wanted to look at something again quickly and didn't react until a new clip started playing.


Playback corrected for trimmed clips

Clips that had a Trimmed In Point and not a Trimmed Out Point were not playing at the right length in the Web Player.


Improved offline sync from Export

Clips were not syncing to the cloud properly if they had been added offline to an edit file that was exported on a different device.


Known issues

Timeline Playlist View clips sometimes appear out of order

Clips in Playlist View for Synergy timelines sometimes appear out of order, most commonly for JuCo games.


Missing Synergy tags for games with no online PBP

Synergy tags do not display for games that have been Synergy logged, but that do not have online box scores available for consultation.


Text Overlay posts to the wrong clip frame

Text Overlay displays 1-2 clip frames later than the frame when you set it. This is easiest to spot when you choose "Auto-pause video" from the Timing options:



Trimming not compatible with older clips

The new trim workflow is not yet compatible with clips from 2017 or earlier. I and O hotkeys may be used to trim these clips.


Export and Tagging Templates are unavailable when including some characters

Some characters, such as Unicode, Hebrew, and Hanzi, are not permitted to be included in Edit titles when attempting to export. When inserted into a Tagging Template button name, they can render the template unusable.


Time removed from the end of long captures

When a long capture, such as for a full-length practice, is terminated, up to 30 seconds of footage at the end of the file is not processed. Captures should be run an extra 30 seconds to be safe.


Cannot directly update old PC builds from desktop

Due to a bug in the installer, an error appears on PC when you try to update from a desktop shortcut of an older build, not opened in several months. The message says something along the lines of "Unable to start the application. Contact the application vendor for assistance."

From here, you may uninstall+reinstall, using Add or Remove Programs

...or create a shortcut from the actual app inside its folder by following the steps below:

1. typing %appdata% into the search bar

2. clicking back on appdata to get out of the Roaming folder, then navigating to Apps → 2.0 → two sets of number/letter combinations:

3. Finding the most recent folder entitled ""

4. Finding the Application inside:


5. Right-clicking to create a new shortcut








Release Date: November 6, 2023
Editor Max Releases: version 11.3.5


In this release...

Trimming settings

Settings have been optimized for the improved trimming workflow.



Access to Cloud assets

Uploaded videos were not available for selection from the Cloud after multiple upload attempts were made. This has been fixed.


Importing again following force-quit

Some imports were completing prematurely if the Editor was force-quit during the Import. This has been fixed; if this happens now, the user will be able to restart the Import from scratch.


Video player loading circle

The loading circle will appear less often on the video player when the user rapidly scans through cached clips.


Known issues

Trimming is not compatible with older clips

The new trim workflow is not yet compatible with clips from 2017 or earlier. I and O hotkeys may be used to trim these clips.


Tagging template buttons disappear

The Edit View and Undock buttons on tagging templates can disappear after the frame is resized. They may be brought back by clicking on a different tab within the same frame.


Export and Tagging Templates are unavailable when including some characters

Some characters (such as Unicode, Hebrew, and Hanzi) are not permitted to be included in Edit titles when attempting to export. When inserted into Tagging Template button names, they can render the template unusable.


Export edit files with Synergy clips do not sync properly

Custom Edits or Timelines that include Synergy that are Exported using the "Copy of Edit" option do not sync to the cloud properly if they are opened offline. The Edit can't be shared, and if it is saved there may be missing data.


Time removed from the end of long captures

When a long capture, such as for a full-length practice, is terminated, up to 30 seconds at the end of the file will not be processed. Captures should run an extra 30 seconds to be safe.


Cannot directly update old PC builds from desktop

Due to a bug in the installer, users will encounter an error on PC when trying to update from a desktop shortcut, something along the lines of "Unable to start the application. Contact the application vendor for assistance."






Release Date: October 19, 2023
Editor Max Releases: version 11.3.4

In this release...


  • Change the date when users will receive notification of the new mobile app.
    • Some Mac users will still see it because they are not forced to update their app.
  • Editor import encoding enhancements
    • Upload time and file size are reduced.
  • “Express SACS Import” option
    • Faster import with replacing encoding with transmuxing





Release Date: October 10, 2023
Editor Max Releases: version 11.3.3

In this release...



  • There was a hang-up in Tagging Templates when users added tags 
  • Users could not log in while the Editor was offline 





Release Date: October 4, 2023
Editor Max Releases: version 11.3.2

In this release...

Add eFG% to Matrix Box score columns



Add eFG% to PDF box scores



Generate user tag box score reports





Tags on the bottom of the timeline are all visible with the scroll bar



Bug Fixes

Out Point "]" Hot Key not setting Out Point in Custom Edit Media Mode (Bug Fix)







Release Date: September 28, 2023
Editor Max Releases: version 11.3

In this release...


Generate Printable Box Score Reports for Multiple Timelines


Add Bookmarks to Timelines 



Print a Box Score for Selected Clips



Cue Start and End of Clips with HotkeysCueStartandEnd.png


Right-click to Add an Image to Tagging Templates



Video Player Buttons Now Fade



Hide All Info Buttons  



Create a custom edit from import dialogue  



PDF reports will match filtered box scores



Archive old tags



Hotkey to Install a bookmark on the timeline



New Video Export Dialogue 



"Open Hierarchy" and "Add from Hierarchy" to behave the same as on Tagging Templates



Right-Click to add a group



Grouping slides will now place before the users current selection



Delete clips from Timeline Playlist view



Right-click to cue the start and end of clips



New right-click menu options



+ icon on shells to add multiple buttons 



New options > data dialogue



New warning message when deleting a video asset



Restore deletes from local for video assets



Playback will pause when users have a new segment dialogue open



Bulk text overlay, toggle shuffle playback mode, and clip flagging enabled for timeline playlist view



Warning when closing the editor with cloud interactions



Additional Updates: 

  • Left click in the canvas will deselect tagging buttons
  • New dialogue when copying a clip to a Sequencer row


Known Issues:

  • Importing 4K video while creating an edit requires a large amount of device memory. Memory consumption returns to normal after the Import is complete, and the Imported Edit has been closed and reopened.






Release Date: September 6, 2023
Editor Max Releases: version 11.2 

In this release...


Delineation of Practices: Users can delineate practices into segments, making it easier to pinpoint the data and video you are interested in. (Editor MAX users only) 




Tagging Templates Folders: You can now organize your team’s tagging templates with folders. (Editor MAX users only)  



Tagging Templates Preview: Preview tagging templates by clicking on them. Previews will appear on the right-hand side to help you find the template you are looking for more quickly. (Editor MAX users only) 



Add Multiple Tagging Template Buttons: Add multiple buttons to a tagging template without having to draw them by right-clicking in the template or double-clicking on a tag. (Editor MAX users only)




Individual Team Views: Individual team views are now available in Live Video Timelines. (Editor MAX users only) 



Printable Synergy Tags: PDF style printable reports have been enabled for Synergy tags. (Editor MAX users only) 




Links to Synergy Sports YouTube:  Links to the @Synergy_Sports YouTube page are in the Editor. Navigate to Help > Content > Video to link to the YouTube page, where you can find “how-to” videos for the Editor as well as other Synergy Applications.



Trim In/Out Icons: "Trim In" and "Trim Out" are now unified under one icon (Editor MAX users only)



Rearranged Tagging Hierarchy: A new rearranged tagging hierarchy will pop up when adding tags (Editor MAX users only) 



Hierarchy Tage Update: Users can now add more than one hierarchy tag per button (Editor MAX users only)



Additional updates:

  • Multiple video assets can now be combined into a single timeline. (Editor MAX users only) 
  • New Streamlined import process for a faster and easier experience (Editor MAX users only)
  • New video quality controls are in the "Options" menu. Choose between "Standard" or "High" quality video (Editor MAX users only) 
  • Right-click on folders anywhere in the application to delete them
  • A “Remove All” button was added to the right-click menu of the tagging template for Editor Max users  
  • Use hotkeys to copy clips to an individual Sequencer row (Editor MAX users only) 
  • New wording when sharing edits (Editor MAX users only)
  • New Icons for Auto Clips and Manual Clips for easy recognition (Editor MAX users only)
  • New Auto Trim button (Editor MAX users only)
  • Trim Points can be moved to current playback with hotkeys (Editor MAX users only)
  • Users can now deselect clips by clicking within the body of a "Timeline" or "Sequencer View" (Editor MAX users only)
  • Crash warning when there is "Not Enough Disk Space" 






Release Date: June 1, 2023
Max Editor Releases: Editor 11

In this release...


New Tabs Layout (Editor Max users only) – Custom Edits, Timelines, and Videos now located in the top right of the editor



Tagging Templates Tab (Editor Max users only) – Open, manage and access all your teams’ tagging templates in the new “Tagging” tab



Icons on Clip Types (Editor Max users only) – New icons on the different clip types found within Synergy.



Pre-built Synergy Tagging Templates (Editor Max users only) – Templates that are prebuilt by Synergy for you to quickly tag your teams practices. 



Sync User Tagged Practice Data to the Synergy Team Site (Editor Max users only) – Stat your practice and sync the data to the Synergy Team site in a box score view.




Printable Box Score Reports (Editor Max users only) – Print your tagged data in a box score style report directly in the editor.



New Right Click Menus (Editor Max users only) – New right click menus for easier maneuverability within the app. 


Playlist View Inside of Timeline’s (Editor Max users only) Playlist view for a play by play of your tags.  Open this alongside your timeline for a comprehensive tagging experience.


Open Multiple Edits to a Single Frame (Editor Max users only) – Allows users to have multiple edits and templates open at any time.



Improved Matrix View (Editor Max users only) - The Matrix View is now styled after a traditional box score for an easier view of your data.



Improved Tagging Templates Experience (Editor Max users only) – Additional features within tagging templates, right click panel here allows for easily tag duplication and creation. 



Known Issues


Templates will not recognize duplicates names

When a Player tag is entered in one tagging template and a different spelling of the same player is added as a Player tag on another tagging template, any edits published to the Synergy Team Site with these two unique Player tags will show the player twice on the Practice tab (e.g., Michael Smith and Mike Smith). The workaround is to always ensure Player tags are spelled consistently or more importantly use the new feature of having more than one tagging template open at a time and using copy paste (also new) to add the Player tags to additional/new templates.


Importing Locally Saved Templates

To import a locally saved template, drag the template file directly into your templates tab.  This will upload and save your template making to available to use.


Display Hotkeys

Currently you can toggle on display hotkeys by right-clicking on the template background. We will restore the button users are used to, but apply it on a template basis, rather than for the individual hotkey. Display Link Arrows shows off in a similar way. In that case it's a user setting, so it can also go on the top menu: Display Hotkey will be added into the properties panel again.







Release Date: April 18, 2023
Max Editor Releases: PC | Mac

In this release...

Text Overlay sync on Export

Full-clip text overlay fell out of sync within export MP4 files of combined clips. The mismatch could be up to several seconds, depending on the length of the file. Logic has been added to contain text overlay to within each clip.


Known Issues

Slower Capture launch on MacOS 13 Ventura

There are still slightly longer delays bringing up the Start Capture dialog on MacOS 13 Ventura when on an M1 Mac. There is also a delay of up to 30 seconds before the Live Preview appears within the dialog.

Reinstall from scratch required from older PC builds

If the PC Editor has not been opened since it was on Editor 10.4 or earlier, it does not automatically update and must be uninstalled and reinstalled from URL.





Release Date: February 15, 2023
Max Editor Releases: PC | Mac

In this release...

New Features: 


Matrix Zoom

Matrix view may be zoomed in and out.

02_15_23_01.png 02_15_23_02.png


Full Game Timeline single-file exports available

Full Game Edit segments may be combined into a single video export file.


Live Video Timeline opens correctly

Live Video Timeline edits sometimes initially displayed with the clips incorrectly positioned.



  • Multiple edits may be opened to frame simultaneously.
  • A video player crash has been fixed.


Known Issues:  


Slower Capture launch on MacOS 13 Ventura

There are still slightly longer delays bringing up the Start Capture dialog on MacOS 13 Ventura when on an M1 Mac. There is also a delay of up to 30 seconds before the Live Preview appears within the dialog.


Reinstall from scratch required from older PC builds

If the PC Editor has not been opened since it was on Editor 10.4 or earlier, it does not automatically update and must be uninstalled and reinstalled from URL.




Release Date: January 31, 2023
Max Editor Releases: PC | Mac

In this release...

New Features: 


Folders facelift

The Folders panel has been relaunched with a more logical default to maintain Edits exclusively within Folders, rather than merely using the Folders as tags. An option has been retained at the bottom to "Display all..." for easier sorting and searching.


Timeline row flagging

Timeline rows may be flagged by right-clicking.


Live Video Timeline markers

Period/Time markers are available atop Live Video Timeline edits.


Additional new features:

  • Video support behind Synergy Timelines has been modified to allow for faster caching, download, and pre-cache playback.
  • On PC, the app has been updated to run on the newest development platform, improving speed and reducing memory usage.
  • Users' preferred frame-size settings are remembered from session to session.


Lead time applied to auto clips tagged to live Timeline

Auto clips tagged live had no lead time, and the scheduled lead time was registered as the lag time.


Known Issues:

Avast Antivirus flag

Due to the development platform update on PC, we anticipate that downloads will be initially blocked by Avast Antivirus. The quarantine may be bypassed, as shown below. 


Tooltips cause crashing on Mac

As mentioned in the Hotfixes section, there is crashing on Mac depending on the mouse movement that occurs when a tooltip goes away. Tooltips may typically be viewed without crashing by turning off "Disable Tooltips" from ToolsOptions. This item should be selected, however, to assure sustained use of the app on Mac without crashing.

Slower Capture launch on MacOS 13 Ventura

There are still slightly longer delays bringing up the Start Capture dialog on MacOS 13 Ventura when on an M1 Mac. There is also a delay of up to 30 seconds before the Live Preview appears within the dialog.

Reinstall from scratch required from PC Editor 9

If the PC Editor has not been opened since it was on Editor 9, it does not automatically update and must be uninstalled and reinstalled from URL.




Release Date: December 15, 2022
Max Editor Releases: PC | Mac

In this release...

New Features: 


Quick tagging

In Timeline, right-click or (on Mac) control+click to add a new tag to a clip without having to open a Tagging Template. Select from a menu of tags already in the edit, create a new one, or add one from the hierarchy.



Docked Tagging Template

Tagging Template opens to the right frame by default. It also may be undocked and kept as a separate window as before.



Express Import

Select the Express option before Importing and immediately begin working with the full media asset. The asset may be uploaded later so that other team members can access it, or not uploaded at all if it is only to be worked with locally.



Auto Trim

Possession clips play more like event clips after toggling on Auto Trim, which trims all clips by a fixed amount selected by the user. Auto Trim carries over to export files. The feature may be toggled off, and it is superseded whenever a clip is manually trimmed.



Video Player facelift

Video Player controls are logically rearranged to make the app more approachable.



Change lengths of Synergy Timeline clips

Clips in Synergy Source Edit Timelines may be trimmed or (from Media Mode) lengthened without first having to copy to Custom Edits.



Timeline Team views

Two new Timeline pivots allow viewing the game through a single team's offense and defense tags.



Pause Live Capture

Live Captures may be paused and resumed from a button within the Edit frame.



Manipulate Timeline rows

Timeline rows may be hidden or moved.



Timeline row flagging

Add color row flags to individual Timeline rows.



Extend clip hotkeys

In Media Mode, hotkeys are available to extend clip in and out points.



Exclude added as a filter option

Exclude may be used within multiselect filters.



Additional Notes

  • Changes may be made to temp edits without saving the full edit. Cached clips may be exported from temp edits without having to save first.
  • The application does a better job of staying online when being used with intermittent connectivity.



Tooltip availability

Tooltips are restored to PC builds. Tooltips are available on Mac by having the "Disable Tooltips" entry within Options unchecked. However crashing can occur with this setting turned off.



Speedier Capture launch on M1

The time required to launch a capture on Mac M1 machines, which was up to 30 seconds combined with Ventura OS, has been reduced by 75%.


Memory leak patch

A memory leak was removed that built up from each opening and closing of a Timeline.


Improved Import launch from device

Video assets may be dragged from the local device into the Editor to start Import, regardless of the location the assets are dragged to, or what tab is focused.


Audio fix for long combined Export file

Audio fell slightly out of sync with video on long Export files with clips combined.


Display improved for clips atop unavailable media assets

Clips display in the correct place on Timelines when some but not all media is available for download from another user on the team.


Known issues

Tooltips cause crashing on Mac

There is crashing on Mac depending on the mouse movement that occurs when a tooltip goes away. Tooltips may typically be viewed without crashing by turning off "Disable Tooltips" from Tools→Options. This item should be selected, however, to assure sustained use of the app on Mac without crashing. 


Slower Capture launch on MacOS 13 Ventura

There are still slightly longer delays bringing up the Start Capture dialog on MacOS 13 Ventura when on an M1 Mac. There is also a delay of up to 30 seconds before the Live Preview appears within the dialog.


Reinstall from scratch required from PC Editor 9

If the PC Editor has not been opened since it was on Editor 9, it does not automatically update and must be uninstalled and reinstalled from URL.


Release Date: November 16, 2022
Max Editor Releases: PC | Mac

In this release...

New Features: 

Capture Performance mode

Performance Mode may be enabled in advance of a Capture. This variation lags behind real time by 15 seconds but creates an average of one-third savings in CPU. It is designed for low-spec machines. Live Preview may be turned on while in Performance Mode, but the CPU savings are not retained while it is on.



Legacy cut points available for Export

The Express Export feature installed in 10.4.2 did not cut files at the same starting frame as the legacy Editor did. A "Legacy caching" option has been added for parity. Users retain all Export options (Express/Trims/Text Overlay/combining clips) regardless of the caching format they have selected.




More efficient caching

With the switch to HLS, caching was slower in Editor 10. There are more files and data to cache in order to output the same footage. To compensate we have optimized caching to minimize stalls and more efficiently use device resources. We have also restructured the Export timing so that it runs in parallel with caching, rather than sequentially. (In testing caching speed has been slightly improved compared to Editor 9.)


Options changes not saving

Changes to Options settings were not being remembered across versions, and they did not save when Disable Tooltips was enabled.


Whitelist from Avast Antivirus

Editor could not be downloaded if Avast Antivirus was enabled.


Known Issues


Lingering caching from cancelled export

Cancelling an export of an edit that is still caching does not cancel the caching. So any subsequent caching the user attempts immediately after within the same session will be delayed by those lingering cache jobs. Workaround is to close and reopen the Editor.


Slow Capture launch on MacOS 13 Ventura

It may require up to 30 seconds to show the New Live Capture display after the Capture button is pressed.


Reinstall from scratch required from PC Editor 9

If the PC Editor has not been opened since it was on Editor 9, it does not automatically update and must be uninstalled and reinstalled from URL. This is a new development since we updated our signature on the installer last month.



Release Date: September 26, 2022
Max Editor Releases: PC | Mac

In this release...


Playback improved for previously trimmed clips

Trims were not displaying correctly and playback was challenging for clips trimmed in 9x or 10.3.5 from Edit sessions later than when they were originally created.


Copy just-cut Full Game Edit user clips

User clips cut atop Synergy Full Game Edit Timelines could not be copied to Custom Edits until the Full Game Edit had been closed and reopened.



Expanded Help menu

Synergy's robust profile of Support options are collected together into a dashboard from the Editor's top menu.



Known issues


Processing clips during Export takes longer

A side effect of trims being accepted upon Export is that clip processing takes longer than before. We are investigating methods to speed this up.


Trims not compatible with earlier Beta builds

Previously trims imposed on Synergy clips from 9x builds were not available in 10x. This has been fixed. However the previous 10.1 Beta build is not compatible with the current build. If trims were added in that build the clips will not be playable in either 9x Production or 10x Production. Workaround steps are to:

  1. Set Playback mode to Playlist → Single Clip

  2. Play the clip in Playlist view
  3. To enable the Trim buttons, roll the playdot to some point in the middle of the playline

  4. Write down what the IN and OUT junctures are

  5. Undo IN/OUT

  6. The full clip is now playable.

  7. Put the IN and OUT points back in 

Re-trimming Beta clips.mp4

In addition, trims added to the current build are not compatible with earlier Beta builds, so users on the same team should be sure to all update to the current version.


Audio mismatch on long Export files

Within lengthy export files (dozens of clips), audio can fall slightly behind video as the file progresses.


Caching files not deleted

The Beta Editor was depositing substantive-sized cache files in the Mac user's Library Cache folder. If a Beta user wishes to clear up hard drive space they must manually remove these files.


Delays accessing cloud assets remotely

There are delays before our cloud service makes uploaded video assets available remotely. For example if I upload an import of mine, I can immediately work with it locally, and it immediately displays as uploaded to Cloud both on my machine and other machines. However users cannot actually access it/download it remotely until 25 minutes later (this latency may vary). We are migrating to a new service that will not have this problem.


Cannot initially change link arrow colors

Changing link arrow colors is disabled unless you click the "Outline" header first.





Release Date: September 22, 2022

Max Editor Releases: PC | Mac 

In this release...

New Features

Trims remembered within Export files

With this update, user trims are now preserved in exported edits/files.


Tag without Team parent row

The previously mandatory header row, sometimes called Miscellaneous or No Team, that would populate when the Team tag was missing will no longer populate if not added. This allows users to choose once again to tag a Team Source Timeline with only flat tags.



Live Telestration (Max users)

Use the Text Overlay Free Hand tool to add in-line, live markup while you watch. Markups are not saved and only appear for user-designated amount of time ( 2 second default), pausing play. Following completion of the drawing, play restarts and drawings delete.



Tagging Template Zoom

Tagging Templates may be manually scaled, either using the tool on the lower left, or using ctrl+mouse wheel scroll.



Automatically open and cache new Edits

Choose to automatically open and cache shared edits sent via Synergy to/from another user.



Delete assets from Cloud

Organize your media by deleting items from the cloud from the Video Assets tab.



Drag in pictures to create Slides

Drag and drop images to create image slides. Drag an image file into the desired slot in Playlist or Sequencer view, confirm the dialog, and an Image Slide is created in that spot.



Undock Tagging Properties panel

The Tagging Properties panel may be undocked so to view the whole Tagging Template unobstructed.



Indicator rectangles in Sequencer

Matching the Playlist view, rectangles have been added atop items in Sequencer to designate slides, trims, and text overlay.





Release Date: August 15, 2022

Max Editor Releases: PC | Mac for Basketball; PC | Mac for Baseball

In this release...


New Features

Automatic Updates Run to Completion on Mac

When the Editor is located in the Mac user's Applications folder, it will prompt to update to the current build from which an update may successfully be fun.  In the previous 10.3.0 build, such an update attempt result in failure. 


Known Issues

Wrong playback for HLS/mp4 clips

For Full Game Edit clips that are available either in HLS or as part of mp4 segments, the app is selecting the wrong cache location, resulting in playback from a different game. We will issue a hotfix build for this.

Error message downloading app from scratch on PC

When the app is downloaded via URL on PC and is not currently installed a benign error message posts. It may be bypassed:


Trims not compatible with earlier Beta builds

Previously trims imposed on Synergy clips from 9x builds were not available in 10x. This has been fixed. However, the previous 10.1 Beta build is not compatible with the current build. If trims were added in that build the clips will not be playable in either 9x Production or 10x Production. Workaround steps are to:

  1. Play the clip
  2. Roll the playdot to some point in the middle of the playline, which activates the Trim buttons
  3. Write down what the IN and OUT junctures are
  4. Undo IN/OUT
  5. The full clip is now playable.
  6. Put the IN and OUT points back in

Exporting clips with Trim point

Clips that have been trimmed by the user do not retain those trim points in the files that appear in the Folder following Export.

Caching files not deleted

The Beta Editor was depositing substantive-sized cache files in the Mac user's Library Cache folder. If a Beta user wishes to clear up hard drive space they must manually remove these files.

Older Synergy clips do not export to File

Synergy Basketball clips from 2017-18 and before usually produce empty mp4 files the following Export to file.



Release Date: August 4, 2022

Max Editor Releases: PC | Mac


In this release...


New Features

Framework rewrite

 The application has been rewritten in the Avalonia framework, which is more nimble and easier to develop on top of than its predecessors. The app is more responsive and uses less memory.

Rendering is significantly enhanced. Here is a 10 vs. 9 comparisons:



We are now working with a single app, rather than separate Mac and PC versions. Editor 10 on Mac looks more like the PC version. Here again, is 10 vs. 9:



Live Video Timeline with added data

(Max Editor only) As they become available, P1 clips are added atop Live Video Timeline footage and then are replaced automatically by P2 clips as those become available. Users may copy the clips to other edits as well as add additional tags on top of them:


Naturally, accessing this feature authentically requires waiting for a live-logged game. Here is a tutorial page on how to see it working in a testing environment:


Source Manager integration

 (Max Editor only) Editor 10 does not require assistance from the Source Manager to perform Capture, Import, and video asset management. Users only need to have one app open.

Video assets are accessible from a right-frame panel, and may be previewed in the Player:



Multiple video files may be imported at once, with the option to convert them into the same Timeline upon a single action:



New Edits may be created from existing assets or groups of assets, and assets may be added to existing Edits via drag n drop:



Single-File Export, with Text Overlay

 Export provides options to:

combine clips into a single file for Export to folder (Max Editor only). include Text Overlay on top of the output file(s).



Bulk Text Overlay

Any Playlist column may be activated to have its clip-by-clip data overlayed atop the player screen:



New Text Overlay interface

 Text Overlay has been integrated into the video player for better accessibility.



Activation/Deactivation links

 In addition to the Exclusive linking available in 9x, links may be drawn to automatically activate or deactivate clip cutting from tagging buttons.



Untagged clips

Buttons may be added to cut clips without tags. Those clips place in an "Untagged" row, from which they'll move away if a tag is added to the clip later.



Randomized playback

 A Toggle Shuffle mode button may be pressed to randomize clip playback within an Edit.



Other Features

Improved telestration

 Drawing on top of the video player, either playing or paused, is much easier. Telestration may be quickly removed (ctrl-z) as well. 


Delete running clips

 (Max Editor only) For quicker recovery from errors while tagging, ctrl+z/cmd-z may be used to delete a running manual clip as it is cutting.


Expanded Simple Text Overlay

In addition to its dedicated column in Playlist, Simple Text Overlay text boxes may be accessed from the video player so that the feature is readily accessible regardless of Edit view.


Additional Notes

  • Clip flagging is available from Playlist view
  • Display for Full Clip has been added as a Text Overlay timing option Images of any size may be added to slides and tagging buttons
  • Changes to Playlist column sorts are remembered for each frame, including across sessions


Known issues

Update to new version not available from within app on Mac

Users may otherwise download the 10x Editor by downloading from URL. Here are the links: Install Products


Error message downloading app from scratch on PC

When the app is downloaded via URL on PC and is not currently installed, a benign error message posts. It may be bypassed:



Exporting clips with Trim point

 Clips that have been trimmed by the user do not retain those trim points in the files that appear in the Folder following Export.


Caching files not deleted

 The Beta Editor was depositing substantive-sized cache files in the Mac user's Library Cache folder. If a Beta user wishes to clear up hard drive space they must manually remove these files.

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