Synergy Stats is designed to operate in 2 different environments depending on the user(s)’ needs and purposes.


Non-Production environment (training)  


The non-production environment gives the user(s) a chance to schedule multiple games for training purposes with mock teams/players/data quickly and easily. It provides an option for beginners and not so experienced statisticians to test their Synergy Stats competence and train themselves at any moment. Synergy Stats operates fully in the non-production environment without posting real-game data.  


Production environment (official data)


The production environment is the real-game collection tool. The data collected is sent to LIVE stats widgets/websites of the league.  

This environment should not be used for testing. 


Both environments look the same way and have a full set of functionalities and enhancements. Accessing each of the environments by using one of the designated links: 


Note: The users should not use the production environment for testing and practicing around with the application. 


Useful Links:

  • Log In
  • Supported Browsers
  • Synergy Stats Support