Navigating SportsHub

Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 06:37 PM

Locating your competitions

On the far left panel of SportsHub, you will see the competitions you have access to. 

sportshub competions.png



Accessing Live Games

On the far right panel of SportsHub you will see if you have any live games that are currently in progress.

sportshub live recordings.png



Viewing Past, Live, Future and All Games

Within the center section of SportsHub's you can view your Past, Live, Future or All recordings

by clicking on the appropriate buttons below.

sportshub past live future or all.png


Once you have chosen a Past, Live, Future or All option, click on the game's arrow that is pointing to the right sportshub arrow.png and you will be directed to a new window showing your recording details.


sportshub interface.png


Pro Tip:

You have the functionality to perform a search and find a previous game using the filter option below.

sportshub filter.png




Viewing your Recording

Once you click on the recording of your choice, you can watch a game via the online player within SportsHub.


In the top section of SportsHub you will see the overview of your recording date, league, teams and location.


sportshub past game.png


Friendly Reminders:

Arena Download

If you are in the arena where the recording is taking place and want to download the file as soon as it is finished, click on the sporsthub arena download.png button .


When is this file available?

  • Usually it will be available after a few minutes of when you recording ends.


How to download?

  • Make sure you are connected to the same network as the Keemotion server.
  • Select the desired recording and download.
  • You can then easily transfer the file to the medium of your choice (DVD, USB key, ...).


Cloud Download

If you are at home or in the office and not on the same network as the Keemotion Server, the best way to download the game is to click on the sportshub cloud download.png button.


When is this file available?

  • The recording will automatically be available in the next 10 to 20 minutes following the end of your production.
    If you have back-to-back productions, the recordings will be made available once all recordings have ended.


Pro Tips:

Within the SportsHub image below, you can view the game stats of your recording.

sportshub match stats.png


Friendly Reminder: If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to help!

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