Leaderboards Tab

Leaderboards deliver rankings of players and teams, based on the situations and stats you select. Leaderboards help you understand how players and teams compare to the rest of the league or competition in certain situations and statistical categories. 

Leaderboard Types

Team Site has multiple Leaderboards that are designed for different users.

  • Player Leaderboards (available to all users) -shows player rankings
  • Team Leaderboards (available to all users) - shows team rankings
  • Player Tracking Leaderboards (available to users with Synergy Cameras) - shows player rankings based on player tracking data from Synergy Automated Cameras
  • Team Tracking Leaderboards (available to users with Synergy Cameras) - shows team rankings based on team tracking data from Synergy Automated Cameras
  • Player Impact Leaderboards (available to users with insights package) - shows player rankings that evaluate the overall impact a player makes when they are on the court.
  • Team Adjusted Leaderboards (available to users with insights package) - shows team rankings that account for several factors:
    • the strength of the opponent
    • the venue (home or away)
    • the number of rest days taken before the game (i.e. travel schedules)
    • the stakes of the moment (was it a high-leverage possession in a tight game or a "garbage time" play?)
    • the stage of the season (e.g., was it the first game of the year?)
  • Player Projection Leaderboards (available to users with insights package) - shows player rankings based on the expected box score contributions that players will make to their team for the rest of the season.  


Navigating Leaderbords

Hover over the Leaderboard Tab at the top and choose the Leaderboard you wish to view. 


Use the Team/Player Filter on the left to narrow down teams or players by season, division, competition type, teams, player roles, etc.


You can use the Leaderboard filters, at the top, to update the parameters of the leaderboard table and to export it. 

Selecting A Situation

Selecting a Situation allows you to choose the type of situation you'd like to have showcased on the Leaderboard. Click on the Situation filter to bring up the Select a Situation window.  

When the Select a Situation window appears, you can select a situation. Use the dropdown icons to see more specific situation options.

On the Player Tracking Leaderboards and the Team Tracking Leaderboards, you will need to utilize the tabs at the top to see all of the situations available:

On the Player Leaderboards and Team Leaderboards you will have an additional option to link to the Player Tracking Leaderboards.

Modifying Leaderboards

Arrange by Stats

Clicking on a stat on the leaderboard will arrange teams or players based on the stat selected.

  • Note: SSQ, SSM, and PPS stats refer to Synergy Shot Quality (SSQ), Synergy Shot Making (SSM), and Points per Shot (PPS).

Customize Leaderboard Tables

The gear icon allows you to customize which stats you would like to appear in the table. To customize a table and save it for future use, click the gear Icon and select Customize. 



In the Column Customization pop-up window, you can create a custom table:

  1. Select the Copy icon next to the Default view. This will create a New View.
  2. Select the Edit option to rename your table. Hit Enter on your keyboard or click the Check symbol to save the new name.


In the middle section, there is an option to Select All or Deselect All column headings in the top right corner of the window, or you can check or uncheck the column headings manually to suit your visibility preferences.


To rearrange the column order, you can drag and drop the three stacked lines next to the column name and move them up or down accordingly. Click Ok to save. 


Exporting Leaderboards

The export feature allows you to export the Leaderboard data via a spreadsheet in two formats, an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV.  


Next Up: Team Site for Basketball: Leaderboards - Transfer Portal