Friendly Reminder: For the most up-to-date information regarding this article, please use the following link:
Optimal Tilt and Zoom values are computed automatically in each arena. In most cases those values should NOT be modified through configuration in director.conf
If the setup is located very close to the court and/or very high, there might not be an optimal value and a manual configuration in director.conf can potentially improve the viewing experience.
In general one can try to set custom Tilt and Zoom values when we get the feedback from a customer that states there is a poor viewing angle or a poor tilt (A Poor zoom is less likely). Another trigger might be complaints about uneven black bars above or below the production.
Examples below are of situations that can be improved upon by tuning tilt and zoom
Complaints that the tilt is too high when camera is panning to the center of the court
Complaints about black bars on top of the view when framing is showing a panoramic view of the court.
Examples of similar situations that should not be addressed by tuning the tilt and zoom configuration
Black bars cropping the shotclock and/or basket
Corners of the court not visible
These issues should be addressed by tuning the Image Borders properties. How to accomplish this is explained in the following article: How to deal with "black triangles" at the separation line or basket cut due to setup installed very close to the court?
More info on tilt and zoom
Tilt, Zoom and Pan are the three values that describe what is included in the production. They define the "configuration" of the virtual camera.
Tilt values describe the vertical component. They range from 0 (This means the virtual camera is pointing at the far sideline) to 1 (This means the virtual camera is pointing at the closest sideline)
Zoom values describe the "size” of the region that is included in the view. The values must be positive and a value of 1, which means that the camera is pointing at the center of the court. Both panels will be included near the side borders. This usually ranges between 0.3 and 2.
What parameters manage Tilt and Zoom in director
Tilt and zoom are set by the properties of the "vsel_0 module" within webadmin and terminal.
Tilt properties are described below:
TiltMin - describes how close to the far sideline the camera is allowed to point.
TiltMax - describes how close to the nearest sideline the camera is allowed to point.
This means that the camera is allowed to take the values in the following range of TiltMin and TiltMax.
Friendly Reminder: The following information needs to be set properly: TiltMin <= TiltMax.
Zoom properties are described below:
ZoomMin - describes how much we are allowed to zoom out.
ZoomMax - describes how much we are allowed to zoom in.
For framing versions 2.X, we have an additional parameter to set. This parameter is called ZoomMinInGame.
ZoomMinInGame - describes how much we are allowed to zoom out during in game actions. During in game action we don’t want to zoom out a lot. So we have ZoomMinInGame <= ZoomMin.
Friendly Reminder: We need to have ZoomMax <= ZoomMinInGame <= ZoomMin
Describing the different values for the different portions of the court
Each of those properties consists of 3 values:Value at the center of the court,
Value at the left court and
Value at the right of the court
Examples of the different configurations are displayed in the image below.
How to configure tilt and zoom to improve the viewing experience
The guidelines below are true for current default framing and all framing versions since V2.4
Friendly Reminder: We have the following configurations below by default:
TiltMin = TiltMax
ZoomMinInGame = ZoomMax
This must stay true after your modifications.
The steps below require using "keecontrol" commands in a terminal. You will get a message that tells you if the commands succeed but you might need to wait a few seconds to see their effect.
Step 1 - Tune the tilt value in the center
1.) Launch a test production (from Webadmin)
2.) Query the current values of TiltMin/TiltMax
(TiltMin = TiltMax
) using the commands below.
Using the example below we would get the following return data:
1.) Increase the center tilt
Increase the first value . This is the value of tilt at the center for TiltMax
and TiltMin
An example of this would be using the commands below:
Friendly Reminder: You must increase TiltMax before TiltMin
Observe your results. If you haven't increased tilt enough, repeat this step.
1.) Optional: If you increased the center tilt too much in step 3 (This means the tilt is now too high)
Decrease the first value. This is the value of tilt at the center for TiltMax
and TiltMin
For example you would use the syntax below to adjust the TiltMin and TiltMax.
Friendly Reminder: You must decrease TiltMin before TiltMax
When you are happy with how wide the panoramic view looks you can move to step 2.
Step 2 - Check to see if the tilt looks good with a more zoomed-in/game-like view
1.) Set the test production to simulate a fake game using the commands below.
1.) Verify the view when the camera is panning to the left.
a.) If everything looks OK, then there is nothing else to do (This should be the case most of the time)
b.) If the basket and/or shotclock is not visible → Decrease the second value. This is the value of tilt on the left of TiltMax and TiltMin
An example of this would be the syntax below:
Friendly Reminder: You must decrease TiltMin before TiltMax.
2.) Verify the view when the camera is panning to the right.
a.) If everything looks OK, then there is nothing to do (This should be the case most of the time)
b.) If the basket and/or shotclock is not visible → Decrease the third value. This is the value of tilt on the right of TiltMax
and TiltMin
Friendly Reminder: You must decrease TiltMin before TiltMax
The first value (0.6, in the example above) is related to the middle camera. Therefore, this value must always be slightly different from the other two in order to reach an optimal framing.
Step 3 - Add the configuration in director.conf
1.) Query the default values of ZoomMinInGame/ZoomMax
(ZoomMinInGame = ZoomMax
You can achieve this by using the command below.
The commands used above would return the following values:
2.) Add the custom settings in webadmin under director.conf
An example of these custom settings would be in the information below.
Even if the default zoom values haven't changed, add them in director.conf.
You need to ensure that after your modifications, the information below is
equal to each other.
TiltMin = TiltMax
ZoomMinInGame = ZoomMax
It is noteworthy to mention that when TiltMin, TiltMax, ZoomMinInGame, or ZoomMax are required to be customized, the AutomaticFixedTiltZoom property must be added and set to "0", as in the example above. Conversely, the ZoomMin property does not need to be preceded by the AutomaticFixedTiltZoom property.
Optional - If you have a specific request for zoom from clients, please check out the information below.
If there is a complaint with the zoom being too close, Increase all 3 values of ZoomMinInGame
and ZoomMax
Friendly Reminder: You must increase ZoomMinInGame before ZoomMax
If there is a complaint on the zoom being too wide, decrease all 3 values for ZoomMinInGame
and ZoomMax
Friendly Reminder: You must decrease ZoomMax before ZoomMinInGame
Once you are happy with the zoom, refer to step 3 above in order to add the configuration into director.conf.
You need to ensure that after your modifications that ZoomMinInGame = ZoomMax.
Other Questions and Advanced Troubleshooting
If you have additional questions or you are having difficulty in resolving your specific situation, create a JIRA ticket to the Viewing Experience squad using the following link: (Example of team members that can help would be Pascaline Parisot or Nathan Bastien )