MyArena Organization Management Page Overview

Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 07:12 PM

You can access the Management page by clicking on your profile icon in the top right hand corer of your MyArena page.


Profile icon image is show below:

myarena profile pic.png


You now have the option to change your password, administer organizational tasks and the ability to sign out after you click on the profile icon image above.

myarena organizations.png



Under Organizations, you will see all your Organizations that you are a manager of. In most cases, it will be your club, so in this case it will only be the one Organization.

myarena admin.png



Under the Users section, you will have a list of all the users that have access to your organization.
You will have the choice to add and remove someone, in addition to assigning this person as a Manager.

Pro Tip: Add an addition manager for a backup option

Adding a user by viewing the image below:

myarena add users.png

Adding a user as a manager using the image below:




Under Permissions, you will be able to give access to view and schedule any member of the Organization.






Under Tags, you will be able to manage access to view other users tags in your organization.




Friendly Reminder: If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to help!

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